Hi, I'm Sahil Gedam!

I am a student at IT aspiring for a role in Software Development I'm a web development practitioner recieved IBM certification for frontend development I have created and deployed Static Web pages



1 years experience


1 years experience


6 months experience


1 years experience


Web Application

  • Developed and deployed a Static responsive webapp for a restaurent with HTML, CSS, Javascript

Payment System

  • Developed a website for Payments in FY project- Socio Economic Disparity

WebPage for Furniture Store

  • Created a styled website for a new player in the furniture industry


Sahil is an exceptionally dedicated and motivated individual with a strong passion for learning and staying up-to-date with the latest trends in technology. During our collaboration on a project, Sahil showcased remarkable adaptability and quickly grasped complex concepts related to web development. His positive attitude and willingness to contribute to the team's success made him a valuable asset.
As a team player, Sahil's inquisitive mind and ability to ask insightful questions demonstrated his commitment to understanding the intricacies of the tasks at hand. His proactive approach within the team was evident through his initiative-taking and collaborative spirit. I am confident that Sahil has the potential to emerge as a leader in any team or project he chooses to be a part of.
Working with Sahil has been a pleasure, and his commitment to excellence is commendable. He consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of the project is executed flawlessly. His knowledge and skills in web development are impressive, and I have no doubt that Sahil will continue to excel in any future endeavors.
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